Request that auto fills subsequent requests for siblings and boundary checks

Section A: Student Information


911 Address

Transportation may be provided to and/or from home/sitter/joint custody location, if the arrangement is permanent (5 days per week) and this location can be safely scheduled into the regular routes and is within the pupil's home school attendance boundary.

Section B: Stop Location Information

A maximum of two (2) weeks or a minimum of two (2) days notice is required to safely implement.

Section C: Alternate Address Information


911 Address

Joint Custody

911 Address

Joint Custody Sitter

911 Address
Section D: Out of School Attendance Boundary

Only complete this section if the addresses entered above are outside of the boundary for the requested School

Section E: Medical Information

Reason for Special Transportation

If yes, please explain any reduction in physical activities and/or other restrictions while at school.
If no, please complete the following section.
a. Explain the nature of the medical condition, in detail.
b.Transportation is neccessary for the following period:

Student Photo

Emergency Contacts

Name: (H) (W) (C)
Name: (H) (W) (C)
Name: (H) (W) (C)

Anaphylaxis Emergency Treatment Plan

Student has a potentiall life-threatening allergy (anaphylaxis) to the following:

Signs and Symptoms

A person experiencing an anaphlyactic reaction might have one of the following symptoms:
F.      Face: rash, itchiness, redness, swelling of face and tongue.
A.      Airway: trouble breathing, swallowing or speaking.
S.      Stomach: stomach pain, vomiting, diarrhea.
T.      Total: hives, rash, itchiness, swelling, weakness, pallor (palenesss) sense of doom, loss of consciousness.

Treatment: Think - A.C.T

Administer the epinephrine auto injector (EpiPen®) IMMEDIATELY, at the first sign of a reaction, in conjunction with the child's contact with their life threatening allergen.

Administer the injection in the lateral (outer) location on the thigh. Inject and count for 10 seconds. Remove the EpiPen®, check needle is showing and massage area for 10 seconds.

A second dose may be administered 10 - 15 minutes or sooner, if symptoms have not improved or worsened.

Call 911. When informing the dispatcher use the term 'ANAPHYLACTIC' reaction.

Transport to hospital by ambulance. Student must go to the hospital even if symptons are mild or have stopped. Call parents/guradians.

Diabetes Hypoglycemia Emergency Action Plan

Signs and Symptoms

Optimum Level (Range) of Blood Sugar is:

Location of Sugar Treatment


Select one treatment, provided by parent, from the following:
6 oz. (125 ml) of fruit juice/drink (junior juice box) OR
3 - 4 tsp. (10 - 15 ml) of sugar (3 - 4 parckets) OR
6 oz. (125 ml) of regular pop (not diet type) OR
3 - 4 tsp. (10 - 15 ml) of honey OR
4 - 5 glucose tablets OR


Wait 10 - 15 minutes. If there is no improvement, repeat the above treatment.


If the student is unconscious, having a seizure or unable to swallow DO NOT give food or drink.
*Roll the student on his/her side
*Call 9-1-1
*Inform parents/guardians
Section F: Guardian at Stop Contract

Guardian at Stop Contract

RCJTC Responsibility:

RCJTC shall provide safe and reliable transportation to and from school for eligible students. We recognize the vital role parents play in the safe transportation of students, and have developed operating procedures to identify the responsibilities for communication and co-operation between the parents/guardians, school, and transportation services.


a) Prior to their first ride, parents/guardians with the help of school staff will arrange "bus buddies" for students who require them.
b) Parents/Guardians or a responsible designate are to accompany and remain with the student until picked up by the transportation vehicle. No JK/SK student should be left unattended at a pick up point.
c) School staff will sort and load students and check attendance to ensure all students are accounted for
d) Parents/Guardians or a responsible designate should be on time at the drop off point to receive their JK/SK student.
e) Drivers will not knowingly leave a child unattended at a stop, but recognize that a spare driver may not know your child or with a large group there is not always acknowledgement of who goes with whom.

Responsible Designate

Complete this section if someone other than yourself is permitted to receive your child at the end of the day.

Designate 1
Designate 2

All reasonable efforts are made by Board and RCJTC staff and transportation operators to ensure the safety of every child involved in transportation services. Parents/guardians play a key role in ensuring the safety of their child by providing accurate information and ensuring each child is met by a responsible designated person at the end of every day.

Submitted by I acknowledge that transportation procedures will apply.

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